Hope for #VAWA4ALL, vigilant against gun violence, and paid leave for federal workers: Your civic action to-do list for 12-9-19
VAWA stalled in the Senate; 23 killed by gun violence in one day; violence against women worldwide: Your civic action to-do list for 12-1-19
VAWA divided; unfettered gun violence; and 16 days of activism starts now: Your civic action to-do list for 11-25-19
Violence against women should NOT be a divisive issue!
VAWA is finally on the move; November gets more deadly with mass shootings; and unequal pay persists: Your civic action to-do list for 11-18-19
ACTION ALERT: Urge your Senators to support the Violence Against Women Reauthorization!
The politics of VAWA, local hate crime stats, and tomorrow's women leaders: Your civic action to-do list for 11-11-19
Critical elections tomorrow (VOTE!), the long wait for VAWA, and 61 shootings last weekend: Your civic action to-do list for 11-4-19
Women's Leadership Impact Fund: Fall 2019
A year since Pittsburgh, waiting on VAWA, and the EMPOWER Act: Your civic action to-do list for 10-28-19
Weapons ban, faith against domestic violence, and pregnancy discrimination: Your civic action to-do list for 10-23-19
14 shootings, #VAWA4ALL twitter storm TODAY, and healthcare denied: Your civic action to-do list for 10-16-19
Children shot, partners abused, and choice at risk: Your civic action to-do list for 10-7-19
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Your civic action to-do list for 10-2-19
Gender-based violence, gun deaths, and inhumanity at the border are on the rise: Your civic action to-do list for 9-23-19
The aftermath of gun violence, big business takes action, and listening to rape survivors: Your civic action to-do list for 9-16-19
Today is the 25th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act.
Workplace harassment continues while background checks and VAWA stall: Your civic action to-do list for 9-9-19
Leadership Transition at JWI
Paid leave and paycheck fairness: Your Labor Day civic action to-do list for 9-3-19