Weapons ban, faith against domestic violence, and pregnancy discrimination: Your civic action to-do list for 10-23-19
3. Assault weapons are weapons of war. Unfortunately they are also weapons of choice for mass murderers.
In a nutshell: When the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1993 expired in 2004 it became legal for individuals to purchase and possess assault weapons. The Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 (HR 1296) would reinstate the ban on the sale of these deadly weapons.
Take Action: We are so close - the Assault Weapons Ban of 2019 only needs 4 more supporters in the House of Representatives to pass. Call your Representative and tell them to support this important bill to help keep our communities safe!
...as of 1:45 p.m. on October 23, 2019. Save and share this image!
2. Faith - and the community it provides - can be an important, sometimes life-saving resource for victims of domestic violence who are living in isolation and fear.
In a nutshell: This Domestic Violence Awareness Month join JWI and our Interfaith Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence’s #FaithTakesAction campaign to share the many ways your faith supports survivors.
Take Action: To participate in our #FaithTakesAction campaign, print this sign, fill it out, and send a picture of yourself, holding the sign, to Dorian at [email protected]!
1. Pregnancy discrimination is real. It isn’t a relic of our past -- it continues to happen today. In 2019 women are still being fired for being pregnant.
In a nutshell: Yesterday the House held a hearing on the Pregnancy Workers’ Fairness Act (PWFA), a bill that would end pregnancy discrimination, promote healthy pregnancies, and protect economic security for women and their families.
Take Action: Use this social media toolkit to help build momentum for the Pregnancy Workers’ Fairness Act (HR 2417/S 1101)!