VAWA is finally on the move; November gets more deadly with mass shootings; and unequal pay persists: Your civic action to-do list for 11-18-19
3. More than seven months after VAWA reauthorization passed the House of Representatives, there is finally a companion bill in the Senate!
In a nutshell: Last week Senator Feinstein introduced the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019 (S.2843). This bill has the same important protections as the bipartisan House bill – it protects Native women from sexual assault on Tribal land, disarms dating violence abusers, and strengthens housing protections for survivors.
Take Action: Violence against women should never be a partisan issue; every senator should support these important enhancements. Email your senators and urge them to co-sponsor this life-saving bill – S. 2843.
2. Three mass shootings in California made headlines in the past three days: A school shooting; the murder of three children and their mother from intimate partner violence; and a mass shooting in someone’s backyard during a football watch party. These incidents raise November's tally to 19 mass shootings - so far.
In a nutshell: Research shows that more firearms make us less safe. Congress must pass comprehensive gun violence prevention laws to ban assault-style rifles, mandate background checks for all gun sales, and make sure no abuser is able to access firearms.
Take Action: Email your members of Congress and tell them it's past time for them to take action!
1. Latina women are paid only a little more than HALF the amount that typical white, non-Hispanic men earn each year. As of this Wednesday, they will have caught up with the average American male's 2018 earnings.
In a nutshell: Earning only $0.54 to a man's $1, it has taken Latinas 23 months to collect that unequal pay for equal work.
Take Action: This disparity is unacceptable. Help spread the word by joining a Twitter storm on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. ET #LatinaEqualPay!