The National Collaborative of Jewish Domestic Violence Programs (“The Collaborative”), a project of JWI’s National Center on Domestic & Sexual Violence in the Jewish Community, provides training, education, networking, peer support, advocacy, and resources to staff serving domestic violence survivors in the Jewish community.
Collaborative membership is intended for professional and volunteer staff of programs and organizations doing prevention and response work serving Jewish domestic violence survivors and the Jewish community.
Collaborative membership is FREE and includes:
Peer support forums where advocates can connect with professional peers, share challenges, and discuss strategies for their work.
Access to a Collaborative-only resource library
Free membership to JWI’s National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse
Special trainings on financial literacy programs for survivors: Life$avings
Special trainings on job and emotional readiness for survivors: ReStart
Coming soon! Access to a community listserv with other advocates
Thanks to generous support from the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies, membership to JWI’s Collaborative is available at no cost.
If you have questions about the Collaborative, please contact Sierra Schnitzer via email or call (202) 464-4808.
Not a DV worker but want to stay informed? Click here to get updates about JWI’s gender-based violence prevention and response work.

Collaborative Member Resources

Meet the JWI Staff Leading this Initiative: