Underfunded DV programs, pay inequality, and gun violence during the COVID-19 crisis: Your civic action to-do list for 3-30-20

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We are all trying to figure out how to live in this new reality. At JWI, our hope is that by providing you information on what is happening in Congress and on the issues we advocate on behalf of every day, you will not only be better informed, but will be inspired and able to take action on behalf of yourself, your community, and the country. We thank you for everything you are doing. Please let us know how we can be most helpful and supportive during this difficult time. Stay safe.

3. The third coronavirus legislative package passed Congress on Friday – injecting trillions of dollars into the economy to shore up large corporations, small businesses, and every-day Americans.

In a nutshell: While the CARES Act included some funding for domestic violence programs, more funding and more flexible funding is needed in order to meet the changing needs of victims. 

Take action: JWI will keep you updated on how you can use your voice to help more survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in the next legislative proposal. 

2. In 2019 women earned 82 cents to every dollar paid to men, and now, during this crisis, we see women taking on so much more - even while they earn less. 

In a nutshell: Years of pay inequality and lost wages have made millions of women and their families dangerously vulnerable during this crisis.  

Take action: Tomorrow, 3/31 at 2:00 p.m. ET, join us on social media to mark #EqualPayDay and raise awareness about how the gender wage gap harms women and families

1. Americans are responding to the uncertainty of this moment by purchasing guns and ammunition at alarming rates. 

In a nutshell: Mass acquisition of firearms paired with social distancing and isolation is a scary combination for the millions of domestic violence victims and children forced to stay at home. 

Take action: Call, email, or tweet at your Governor and tell them that gun stores are NOT essential businesses and should be closed for the duration of this pandemic.