321ACTION: June 10, 2024

Congratulations to Laura Adkins, JWI’s Senior Director of Strategic Communications, for her First Place Award for Excellence in Single Commentary from the American Jewish Press Association! You can read her award-winning article, Young Americans are turning against Israel—and you can thank TikTok, here

Ready to make a difference?

Here are three ways to get started:

1. Get ready for a big Supreme Court ruling on domestic violence and firearms!

All eyes are on the Supreme Court as we await their ruling in United States v. Rahimi, a case with the potential to reverse decades of progress in protecting victims and survivors of domestic violence from abusers with guns. Federal law prohibits individuals subject to domestic violence protective orders from having firearms or ammunition if the order was issued after a hearing at which the person subject to the order can make their case and if the relationship between the parties and the contents of the order meet certain requirements. A three judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that this 30-year old law is unconstitutional, and JWI, along with other advocacy organizations, asked the Supreme Court to overturn the 5th Circuit ruling. Once the Court rules, JWI will hold a webinar to explain what the ruling means, both for the law in question and for other laws regulating firearm access. Keep an eye on your email for more information once the decision is released! For a refresher on this critical case, watch the recording of the National Alliance to End Domestic Abuse webinar from October. 

2. Tell Congress to pass the Countering Antisemitism Act!

In April, we asked you to email your members of Congress to urge them to cosponsor the Countering Antisemitism Act. Since then, Congress has taken no action on this critical bill. Click here to email your members of Congress to reiterate the importance of this bill and to ask them not only to cosponsor it but to encourage House and Senate leadership to bring it to the Floor for a vote. 

3. Learn about reproductive coercion!

Laws restricting access to a full range of reproductive care options empower domestic abusers with additional tools to exert power and coercive control over their intimate partners. Read the new report by the National Domestic Violence Hotline and If/When/How about reproductive coercion in the post-Dobbs era. 

+ In case you missed it...

Guns are the leading cause of death for children and teens in the United States. In 2020, an average of twelve children died every day from gun suicide, homicide, or accidental shootings – an average of one death every two hours. On June 17th at 8:30 PM ET/5:30 PM PT, join the Jewish Gun Violence Prevention Roundtable for an online conversation on this important topic. Learn more and register here.