Together we fight to honor RBG and her legacy: Your civic action to-do list for 9-21-20

Jewish Women International joins the nation in mourning the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, z”l. She stood as a role model for all — “repairing the tears in our society” and fiercely fighting for gender equality.

From the wisdom of her opinions to the power of her dissents, Ginsburg was our voice on the highest Court in the land and the wall that protected our reproductive rights, voting rights, and so much more. 

In her honor, we pledge to work each and every day to continue her pursuit for justice. We will do everything possible to ensure that her successor will protect and advance her life’s work.

3. "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." - Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

In a nutshell: With just 43 days until the election, Senator McConnell has announced his intention to hold a vote on Justice Ginsburg's replacement as soon as possible. His hypocrisy is galling. 

Take action: Sign this petition or text "RBG" to 50409 to tell your senators to wait until after the next president is inaugurated to consider nominees to fill Justice Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat.

2. Legal abortion and birth control access, voting rights, and civil rights are now on the brink of obliteration. 

In a nutshell: Justice Ginsburg was a fierce defender of reproductive freedom and justice for all. Bodily autonomy and civil rights will be in jeopardy for decades to come if the Trump administration appoints a third Supreme Court justice to the bench.

Take action: Call your senators today to tell them why reproductive rights are important to you and what is at stake for women and people of color across the country in this moment.

1. Voting is key to safeguarding Justice Ginsburg's legacy.

In a nutshell: The consequences of this election just got even more dire. We all must do our part and vote!

Take action: Make a plan to vote now — JWI can help! Ensure your voter registration information is accurate and you know how and where you are going to vote. 

Action AlertDanielle Cantor