What you can do to protect abortion access:
Comics for Choice - an anthology created by cartoonists, historians, and activists
“Ours to Tell” - a short film about people who live empowered lives because they had the freedom to access abortion
More ways to give:
in partnership with National Abortion Federation (NAF)
NAF is a national organization that represents, serves, and supports abortion providers in delivering patient-centered, evidence-based care. NAF is dedicated to ensuring individuals have the information and resources they need when they seek to terminate a pregnancy. The NAF fund through NCJW will help with their emergency relief efforts.
Founded in 2008, the Abortion Care Network is the national association for independent community-based, abortion care providers and their allies.
A nonprofit, non-partisan group. PPAF is backed by more than 7 million activists, donors, and other supporters working to advance access to sexual health care and defend reproductive rights. While PPAF works at the national level, local Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations are fighting to defend reproductive rights in states across the country.
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Statements from JWI:
June 24, 2022 -
We are deeply saddened by the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the nearly five decades long recognition of a constitutional right to abortion.
JWI continues our unwavering support for abortion access. Abortion is a medical decision between a pregnant person and their doctor. All abortions should be legal.
Every single American will be affected by this ruling. But this decision will not impact all pregnant people equally – low-income women, women who live in rural communities, women in abusive relationships, black and brown people, and the LGBTQ+ community will be hardest hit.
Across the world, we watch as other countries move forward towards a more equitable society where women have reproductive choice, while America moves backwards.
We are taking today to mourn and debrief with other advocates. We are sharing resources on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and will offer next steps in the coming days.
In support and hope,
Meredith Jacobs | JWI CEO
JWI Responds to the News that the Supreme Court is Preparing to Overturn the Constitutional Right to Abortion
May 3, 2022 -
Jewish Women International (JWI), the leading Jewish organization working to end violence against women and girls, is outraged and horrified by the news that the Supreme Court is preparing to overturn the nearly five decades long recognition of the constitutional right to abortion.
JWI CEO Meredith Jacobs issues the following statement:
“We knew this was coming, yet we feel overwhelmed by fear and outrage. But we are mobilizing our energy and our supporters to stop this dehumanizing and dangerous attack on women and girls. We know we can no longer count on the Court to protect our rights or the rights of the most vulnerable Americans.
We are committed to dismantling systems of misogyny and racial discrimination to achieve true reproductive freedom, and urge each of you to use your vote to elect pro-choice candidates who will safeguard reproductive autonomy in federal and state law.
Full reproductive freedom – including access to abortion – is central to women’s health, economic security, and freedom from violence. For 125 years, JWI has been a staunch supporter of reproductive self-determination – and we will continue to work to build a world where ALL people can live safely, freely, and equitably.”
Jewish Women International (JWI) is the leading Jewish organization working to end violence against women and girls domestically and internationally. JWI's National Center on Domestic & Sexual Violence in the Jewish Community is the hub of resources, trainings, and research to support the field. It convenes The Collaborative, the network of all Jewish domestic violence agencies in the U.S. and established and hosts the Interfaith Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence and the Clergy Task Force to End Domestic Abuse in the Jewish Community. A Steering Committee member of the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence, JWI’s advocacy efforts focus on the passage of legislation that supports women and girls, ensures their economic security, and protects their right to live free of violence.