321ACTION: Attacks on our safety!

Your civic action to-do list for July 11, 2022.

Gun Violence

Since Jan 1st of this year there have been over 329 mass shootings and over 23,136 people have died by gun violence in the United States. We must do more to prevent this violence.

The July 4th mass shooting in Highland Park, IL renewed the urgency to pass a federal assault weapons ban. Weapons of war have no place in our communities. Check to see if your representative is a co-sponsor of the legislation, and if they aren’t - contact them!

There hasn’t been a confirmed Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) since 2015. It is imperative that the ATF have a Senate-confirmed Director in order to lead the agency with authority and consistency. This week the Senate could vote to confirm Steve Dettelbach – tell your senators to support him as the ATF’s next director.

Support Abortion Access

Now that the Supreme Court has overturned Roe, access to abortion will be increasingly difficult as more states enact bans.

As early as this week the House of Representatives could bring the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) to the floor. Email your representative and tell them to support WHPA.

Join our friends at USOW for a virtual town hall “Post-Roe World Explained” to hear from advocates and experts about how the Dobbs decision will impact your state.

The economy’s impact on women

Inflation continues to impact us all, but for women, high inflation and rising prices are exacerbating an already uneven economic recovery.

As Senators Schumer and Manchin are continuing to negotiate a reconciliation package, email your senators and ask them to push for investments in child care, paid family leave, education, and health care.

What’s happening at JWI?

We believe it is past time for the Jewish community to come together and use our collective strength to create safer communities. JWI's Jewish Gun Violence Prevention Roundtable will bring together representatives from Jewish organizations in order to lift our collective voice and build safer communities.