321ACTION: September 30, 2024

Congress passed a continuing resolution to fund the federal government until December 20 and adjourned until after the election. This is a very common legislative maneuver; the last time Congress passed a full-year budget on time was in 1997. When Congress returns for the lame duck session, they will need to pass another funding bill. Other top priorities will include reauthorizing the National Defense Authorization Act, confirming more judges in the Senate, and possibly reauthorizing the Farm Bill and a funding package outside of the normal funding process to respond to natural disasters and other unanticipated events.

 Programming note: with Congress on recess for the next six weeks, 321 will focus on election-related issues, including the mechanics of voting and important considerations when deciding for whom to vote. For a preview, check out JWI’s voter guide here!

 Wishing you all a sweet new year and meaningful fast. Shana tovah!

Ready to make a difference?

Here are three ways to get started:

3. Learn more about the SAFE act

Senator Patty Murray and Representatives Debbie Dingell and Gwen Moore have introduced the JWI-endorsed Security and Financial Empowerment (SAFE) for Survivors Act to address many of the employment challenges that face victims and survivors of gender-based violence. Click here to email your members of Congress and urge them to co-sponsor this important legislation. 

2.  Urge Congress to support food security with SNAP

The Farm Bill includes the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, also known as food stamps), which puts food on the tables of more than 40 million Americans. Click here to email your members of Congress and urge them to include important provisions to bolster SNAP and food security in the upcoming expected Farm Bill reauthorization.

Contact Congress

1. Read more on the record breaking rise in pregnancy-related prosecutions

A new report from Pregnancy Justice found 210 pregnancy-related prosecutions in the year after the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to an abortion, the highest single year number of prosecutions since 1973. Read news coverage here and the report here.

+ In case you missed it...

The White House recently announced new executive actions to combat gun violence. Read more here. Plus, as required in the Violence Against Women Act, the Department of Justice has identified 78 jurisdictions across the nation for enhanced local-federal partnerships to address the illegal possession of firearms by adjudicated domestic abusers. A list of those jurisdictions can be found here.