321ACTION: September 16, 2024

Congress has two weeks remaining to pass an appropriations bill before federal funding runs out on October 1. Speaker Mike Johnson pulled the House spending bill, which would have extended existing funding for six months and enacted a bill that would have created barriers to voting for million of American citizens, from the Floor after failing to secure the necessary votes for passage. Congress is widely expected to pass a shorter-term bill extending existing funding through December without any controversial policy additions before adjourning at the month until after the November election.

Ready to make a difference?

Here are three ways to get started:

3. Join JWI in supporting crime survivors

Jewish Women International is proud to endorse the Crime Survivors Speak March on Washington on September 24. This event provides an opportunity for survivors and allies to promote a victim-centered public safety agenda to improve access to safety, healing, and justice. You do not need to be a survivor to participate. 

Register here to join in-person or online

2.  Share the CDC toolkit for gun violence

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has launched their new Community Violence Resource for Action, featuring best practices to prevent community violence, including community gun violence. Use this toolkit to spread the word!

Click here for the toolkit

1. Stop Illegal U.S. Arms to Haiti 

Illegal firearms and ammunition trafficked from the U.S. are fueling horrific gang violence in Haiti. Join our allies at the Justice Coalition of the Religious in urging Congress and the Biden Administration to stop the flow of weapons. 

Learn more here

+ In case you missed it...

Last week marked the 30th anniversary of the enactment of the Violence Against Women Act, which transformed the United States’s response to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. JWI’s Chief Program Officer Deborah Rosenbloom and Vice President of Government Relations Rachel Graber were honored to participate in commemorative events at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and at the White House, where Ms. Rosenbloom stood behind President Biden as he addressed the nation. You can view the White House event here and the Department of Justice event here and read President Biden’s op-ed in Glamour Magazine here.