321ACTION: July 22, 2024

Jewish Women International is grateful for President Biden’s decades of public service and work on behalf of women and girls, and for his steadfast support for Israel. JWI has a long history of working together with President Biden, most notably on the creation and passage of the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 when he was a senator.

Learn about President Biden's legacy here, and read JWI's full statement here.

Ready to make a difference?

Here are three ways to get started:

1.In memoriam: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee

Jewish Women International mourns the passing of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, a steadfast advocate for justice, equality, and the well-being of all communities. Her unwavering dedication to public service and her tireless efforts to champion the rights of women and marginalized groups have left an indelible mark on our nation. Read JWI's full statement here.

2. Learn about the Global Guidelines for Countering Antisemitism and thank Ambassador Lipstadt!

The Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism at the US Department of State, in collaboration with counterparts in more than thirty other nations, recently released Global Guidelines for Countering Antisemitism. Read Ambassador Lipstadt’s remarks here and click here to thank her and share the guidelines on X.  

3. Tell Congress to reject harmful cuts to food assistance!

Proposed Farm Bill reauthorizations cut the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps) and reduce humanitarian food aid globally through the Food for Peace program. Click here to email your Members of Congress and urge them to reject harmful cuts.  

+ In case you missed it...

Join the Jewish Gun Violence Prevention Roundtable in responding to the gun violence at former President Trump’s campaign event by calling on Congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban. Learn more and take action here.


JWI’s CEO Meredith Jacobs will be participating in a panel discussion following the JCRC of Greater Washington’s screening of Screams Before Silence on July 28 in Rockville, MD. Learn more and register here.