Join the Denver Network for an OYoga workshop with Ashly of Femme Rising, which helps women to revolutionize their relationship with their bodies, learn how to activate their feminine power source, develop core strength and inner stability, have better sex and heal sexual and body-based shame to live sacred, sensual, empowered, and pleasureful lives.
Brunch will be served following the event.
Early bird price (until August 9th):
$18 for members / $25 for non-members
After August 6th:
$20 for members / $30 for non-members
Ashly is a fierce defender of the feminine, a warrior for women and their healing, a yogi, coach, nutritionist.After working for 10 years as Women's Health Coach + Holistic Nutritionist, she learned a lot about women. She learned that what they think they want is often different than what they actually need. More than that, women are seeking to heal much more than just the surface of their bodies and their lives. Women are waking up to a deep desire to access and heal all of themselves, with a deep readiness to access the very core of what makes them women. She created Femme Rising "...specifically as a resource to guide you back to yourself. To all the parts of yourself..." Femme Rising is for women who are ready to awaken.