Over the past few months, we've all experienced massive shifts in our day-to-day lives. During this session, we will discuss ways to embrace these changes mindfully at work and beyond. You will learn how to optimize your workday to align with the natural rhythms of your body, simple ways to check in with yourself throughout the day, and strategies to engage more deeply with your colleagues while distanced.
The session will include:
A map for how to optimize the flow of your day
Empathy building tools for you and your colleagues
Three 1-minute mindfulness exercises and practical tips to ride emotional shifts every day (work-friendly)
Emily Rasowsky is a business strategist, tech entrepreneur, and mindfulness leader. She helps top companies and leaders consciously elevate their work by combining marketing and business strategy with meditation, breathwork, and empathy training.
She runs mindfulness programs for companies like Google and Amazon and coaches executives on how to harness their emotional depth to market themselves effectively and drive business success. She has spent her career in the tech space, launching the most successful marketing campaign ever conducted at SXSW and as the Founder of The Women in Tech Campaign, a company focused on elevating women in technology. She has been teaching yoga, breathwork, and meditation for over a decade. Has worked extensively with trauma sensitive populations and led research on the positive impact of mindfulness practices among survivors of sexual assault.