URGENT: Is your Representative co-sponsoring VAWA?
Act NOW to ensure that VAWA is reauthorized!
Once again it is time to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Tens of thousands of victims and survivors of gender-based violence rely on VAWA , our nation’s single largest source of support for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. We are relying on you to help ensure its reauthorization!
VAWA funds programs – such as the Hotline, counseling services, training for law enforcement, community-based advocates – that have saved thousands of lives, but more needs to be done. The new bill, introduced last Thursday by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, contains critical improvements that will strengthen survivors’ access to housing, ensure that abusers cannot access guns, close loopholes to allow Tribal courts to prosecute non-native offenders, and increase the number of youth receiving rape prevention education.
As the leading Jewish organization working to end gender-based violence and empower women and girls, JWI has been working with the Senate and House for more than a year to secure bipartisan sponsors for VAWA 2018, which already has more than 100 Democratic co-sponsors. Now it's time for Congress - especially Republicans - to hear from you.
Thank you for joining JWI as we fight for the right of every woman to live free from violence! Passing VAWA means saving lives and should never fall victim to partisan politics.
What you can do today to ensure bipartisan support for VAWA:
Call your Representative’soffice in D.C. and tell them to co-sponsor the bill.
Attend a local town hall meeting and ask your Representative to co-sponsor VAWA in person.
Join JWI’s interactivewebinar on grassroots strategiesto pass VAWA 2018 on Wednesday, August 8 th at noon (EST) .
(left to right) JWI CEO Lori Weinstein, standing alongside Representatives Jerrold Nadler, Leader Pelosi, and Representatives Sheila Jackson Lee, Gwen Moore, and Steny Hoyer at last week’s press conference introducing VAWA 2018.