Disarm Hate Act, VOCA funding, and Equal Pay: Your civic action to-do list for 6-7-21

3. As we mark five years since the tragic mass shooting at Pulse nightclub, we must take action to prevent gun violence and bias-motivated violence.

In a nutshell: Since 2015, hate crimes — the vast majority of which target communities of color, ethnic and religious minorities, and LGBTQ people — have proliferated. We need Congress to pass the Disarm Hate Act, which will prohibit individuals with a history of hate-motivated criminal conduct from accessing guns.

Take action: Tell your representative and senators to support the Disarm Hate Act as an original cosponsor.

2. Survivors' access to emergency shelter, housing, legal assistance, counseling, and other lifesaving resources via the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) is on the line.

In a nutshell: The House of Representatives overwhelming passed the VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021 to address the VOCA funding crisis. It is time for the Senate to bring the bill to the floor for a vote. 

Take action: Join the VOCA Day of Action tomorrow! Call and tweet at your senators using #VOCAFix and #Crisis4Victims to urge them to prevent cuts to VOCA funding!

1. Passing the Paycheck Fairness Act is critical to building a more just workforce, bolstering women's economic security, and stopping wage discrimination, which harms women of color in particular.

In a nutshell: The Paycheck Fairness Act will help to close the gender wage gap by eliminating loopholes in the Equal Pay Act, disrupting patterns of pay discrimination, and strengthening workplace protections for women.

Take action: Watch this week's Senate hearing, The Gender Wage Gap: Breaking Through Stalled Progress, and urge your senators to support the Paycheck Fairness Act when it comes to a vote!