COVID Relief, Transition & Birth Control Access: Your civic action to-do list for 11-16-20

3. One million Americans have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last week alone, yet Congress has not passed a relief bill since March.

In a nutshell: Individuals are in desperate need of assistance, small businesses may have to shutter once again, and our local governments are unable to keep up the tracing and testing efforts that are so vital. 

Take action: Tell your elected officials to support a comprehensive COVID relief package! 

2. Nearly two weeks ago the American people chose Joe Biden as the President-elect, but neither he nor his team have been given the authority to begin the transition - putting the country at risk. 

In a nutshell: The General Services Administration’s extreme delay in making the “ascertainment” that Biden won the election denies him the classified intelligence briefings that could have grave impacts on our national security. 

Take action: Sen. Lankford (R-OK) has said he will “step in” if the GSA doesn’t make a determination soon. Call your senators and tell them to do the same.  

1. Nine out of 10 Americans believe that women deserve access to the full range of birth control methods, no matter who they are, where they live, or what their economic status. 

In a nutshell: The Supreme Court went against the will of the vast majority of Americans this summer and upheld Trump’s regulations undermining access to birth control. We need Congress to step up and protect coverage for this essential health care. 

Take action: Tell your senators to follow the House of Representatives' lead and block federal funds in this year’s appropriations bill from being used to implement regulations that harm women and families! 

Action AlertDanielle Cantor