321ACTION: May 20, 2024

Gun violence surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. The New York Times created an interactive map to allow readers to understand how COVID impacted gun violence in their communities. Read more and explore the map here.

Ready to make a difference?

Here are three ways to get started:

1. Learn about a new Android feature and how it impacts stalking victims!

Google is introducing a new Android feature that can help people find lost phones, which is useful for most consumers but may pose a danger to individuals experiencing stalking, including stalking by an intimate partner. Read more here, including information about how to opt out of this feature if you are experiencing stalking.

2. Urge your Representative to cosponsor the Increasing Access to Foster Care Through 21 Act!

Young people who remain in foster care until the age of 21 have significantly better outcomes across multiple measures than those who age out at 18, but not all states provide this option. Click here to email your Representative and urge them to cosponsor the Increasing Access to Foster Care Through 21 Act, which will ensure young people in foster care have the option to stay in foster care until 21, regardless of where they live.

3. See what the Department of Justice funds in your community!

The Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP) administers billions of dollars of grants annually. While the bulk of this funding is distributed to states as formula grants, which the state then distributes, OJP also provides discretionary grants directly to states and localities. Review this interactive map to see what OJP is funding in your community (formula grants are not included).