321ACTION: December 9, 2024

With only two weeks left in session, Congress is still mired in negotiations to extend government funding, to provide disaster aid to communities impacted by natural and manmade disasters (expected to be part of the bill to extend government funding), and to finalize the National Defense Authorization Act.

 These bills are being held up in part by attempts to include highly partisan “poison pill” riders. Because they are the two remaining large legislative vehicles, negotiations also address the inclusion of policy riders with broad bipartisan support (use this easy click-and-send tool to ask your members of Congress to push Congressional leadership to include the Crime Victims Fund Stabilization Act in any moving vehicle).

Ready to make a difference?

Here are three ways to get started:

3. Read about Rahimi

While the Supreme Court’s June ruling in United States v. Rahimi, which upheld the federal law prohibiting certain individuals subject to final domestic violence protective orders, was a victory for victims and survivors, public safety, and common sense, the ruling and its concurrences failed to fully address harmful myths promoted by the 5th Circuit’s Judge Ho, by Rahimi’s lawyer, and by Justice Thomas.

 JWI’s Vice President of Government Relations and Advocacy, Rachel Graber, teamed up with Jennifer Becker, Director of the National Center on Gun Violence in Relationships at BWJP, to correct the record in Addendum to U.S. v. Rahimi: The Advocates’ Concurrence.

 The publishers of Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly have generously made the article temporarily available for download free of charge.

Read the article

2. Learn what the election results mean for gun violence prevention

After November’s election results, with an incoming Administration and Congress that are expected to prioritize gun access over public health and safety, many gun violence prevention advocates — including those from faith communities — are asking, what comes next?

 Join the Jewish Gun Violence Prevention Roundtable, the DC Area Interfaith Gun Violence Prevention Network, Faiths United Against Gun Violence, and Nuns Against Gun Violence on December 19 at 7:00 ET for a timely webinar, The Election of 2024: Threats and Opportunities for Gun Violence Prevention.

 Expert panelists from the gun violence prevention movement will discuss what we can expect the next Administration and Congress to do to try to weaken existing gun laws and regulations, what legal challenges will likely be heard by the courts, and what opportunities exist for enacting stronger gun violence prevention laws at the state level.

Register Here

1. Help protect SNAP

SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (also known as food stamps), provides critical support to low income Americans to help them feed their families.

 Thieves are increasingly using technology to steal SNAP recipients’ benefits, leaving them without the means to meet their basic food needs.

 Email your members of Congress and urge them to extend the law that restores stolen benefits, which expires December 20.

Email your Members of Congress

+ In case you missed it...

As we approach the end of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, there is still time to get involved!

 Follow I Believe Israeli Women on Instagram and help us raise awareness about conflict-related sexual violence and gender-based violence by reposting and amplifying this campaign.

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