JWI’s JCWLP Fellowship is a part of our Jewish Communal Leadership Project. This Fellowship is comprised of 10 to 15 executive-level female-identifying and non-binary leaders of Jewish communal organizations who were selected after a comprehensive application process. These individuals are visionary and strategic leaders, be they founders of new non-profits or senior-level staffers of existing organizations. We believe these fellows are future CEOs and executives who will lead our Jewish communal world into the future.

As a Fellowship, the participants will meet together 11 times over the course of 11 months. Together, they will learn how to address real-life examples of situations they may encounter as members of a non-profit C-Suite, be inspired by mind-set coach Pam Shrock, and bond as a supportive peer group.

Interested in learning more about the JCWLP and how you can be involved? Click here!

Meet the 2022 JCWLP Fellows!

2022 JCWLP Fellowship Schedule:


JWI welcomes, embraces, affirms, and invests in women of every race, culture, ability, gender identity, and sexual orientation.


This project is funded in part by the Hadassah Foundation