I Believe Israeli Women: Building a global movement

Our delegation spent its final hour in Israel dancing.

After three whirlwind days of learning from survivors, first responders, heroes, experts and advocates, we circled arm-in-arm, singing Hebrew songs of hope and of Jewish survival.

At this unprecedented moment in Jewish history, with overwhelming challenges ahead, it is our community that sustains us and propels our collective action.
We will never allow the humanity of Israelis to be forgotten, their needs denied, nor what happened to them be erased.

We are building this global I Believe Israeli Women movement to advocate on behalf of those who experienced sexual violence on and after Oct. 7.

Seed the Dream Foundation’s unwavering commitment to Israel and its people, combined with JWI's expertise in fighting for a world free of violence against women and girls, drives this work.

Here's what you can expect from us going forward: 

Amplifying the truth

We will speak out for those who cannot and amplify the voices speaking truth

Tali Binner (right), a Nova survivor, with Dr. Marcy Gringlas of Seed the Dream Foundation (Photo by Yael Ilan)

Survivors of Oct. 7 and freed hostages have consistently asked us to share and spread the truth of what happened to them.

Using this newsletter and our social media channels, we will amplify their stories and provide regular updates from those working to hold Hamas and other terrorists responsible for the sexual violence they committed on and after Oct. 7.

I Believe Israeli Women is a global movement that stands in solidarity with Israeli women, men and children.

We will continue fighting disinformation and denialism by amplifying the truth.

We will continue to speak out against gender-based violence, conflict-related sexual violence, and the use of rape as a weapon of war.

We will continue expanding our network to amplify voices and action plans across varied disciplines and areas of expertise in the U.S. and Israel.

Holding Hamas Accountable

Our policy and legal working groups will support survivors and hold perpetrators accountable

I Believe Israeli Women delegates (Photo by Yael Ilan)

Our delegation included experts in law, communications, and gender-based violence who will guide our work to support survivors through legal and political advocacy. 

You can expect regular briefings and action steps in the weeks and months ahead.

Help us grow the movement

We need your help to amplify the plight of Israeli women and girls

From left: Dr. Gringlas, First Lady of Israel Michal Herzog, and Ayelet Razin Bet Or (Photo by Yael Ilan)

It's been nearly eight months since Oct. 7, but our work is far from over.

 The best way to stay up-to-date on everything that I Believe Israeli Women does is to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and X.

For additional resources about what happened on and after Oct. 7, and to read about the fight against disinformation and denial, please visit our website: ibelieveisraeliwomen.org

Alexis Ewald