I Believe Israeli Women: Pre-Mission Update

May 19, 2024

This weekend, members of the I Believe Israeli Women delegation are heading to Israel. IBIW, a partnership between JWI and Seed the Dream Foundation, will stand in solidarity with Israelis, bear witness to the horrors of Oct. 7, and hold Hamas accountable for its use of rape as a weapon of war.
Each day, we will report out from our high-level meetings and our impressions from the ground. When we return, I Believe Israeli Women will host a series of events where we will share action steps and how you might join our efforts to combat disinformation, push for domestic and international policy, and build a global movement that stands with and supports Israeli women.

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All Eyes on the United Nations

The UN Security council on condemns hostage-taking in Israel on Oct. 7

Professor Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, wearing a prominent yellow ribbon pin to bring awareness to the plight of Israeli hostages, testified on Thursday to the United Nations Security Council about the need for the immediate and unconditional release of all persons abducted by terrorists on Oct. 7.

"The hostage lives in a constant state of hyper-vigilance. The ongoing threat to life, and for women, the additional and perpetual threat of sexual violence, conditions the hostages' brain to function in an endless mode of hyperawareness," she told the committee. 

Prof. Halperin-Kaddari detailed the horrific treatment of the hostages and the ongoing sexual violence likely being committed against them. She further contextualized the mental health ramifications of the ongoing trauma for both individuals and Jewish society.

"You cannot even start to imagine what it means to be a hostage held by terrorists," said Dr. Shoshan Haran, who was held hostage by Hamas for 50 days along with several members of her family. "Total dependency for every human need. 24/7 control of every move and action. We had to hide and whisper with two little kids, knowing that our lives and fate are totally in their hands."

Dr. Haran, who runs an NGO for impoverished farmers in Africa, testified in detail about the trauma she and her family have endured.  

Several other Israelis who have relatives held by terrorists in Gaza testified, imploring the UNSC to take immediate action.

"We will not rest until every single hostage is back home," said U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield. Six U.S. citizens are among those in Gaza held hostage by Hamas.

"The only thing standing in the way of all of this is Hamas. Hamas could stop the fighting today by releasing the first hostage today," she added. 

Watch the full UNSC briefing: Condemning Hostage-Taking in Israel on October 7 as a Psychological Tool of Terrorism

Read our statement on Amit Soussana's brave testimony about the sexual violence she endured while in Hamas captivity.

Read our analysis of UN Special Representative Pramila Patten's March report, which found “found clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment has been committed against hostages." 

Sexual violence denial surges online

The days following Oct. 7 were marked by social media misinformation, disinformation, and denial. Research from CyberWell, an Israeli nonprofit that tracks antisemitism online, found an 86% rise in antisemitic content across all platforms. 

A full 38% of online disinformation related to Oct. 7 in 2023 denied that acts of rape occurred.

Although posts expressing Oct. 7 denial were viewed over 25 million times in 2023, after being reported to the platforms, less than 6% was removed.

• Read a summary of "The Online Attempt to Erase Mass Sexual Violence Against Israeli Women

Our Awareness Campaign is Working

Following several briefings for Members of Congress, the White House, and our public social media campaign, legislation condemning the use of sexual violence and rape as a weapon of war by Hamas on and after Oct. 7 is currently working its way through both the House and Senate.

Watch JWI CEO Meredith Jacobs brief Members of Congress on the sexual violence committed by terrorists on Oct. 7 and call for further accountability.

Watch JWI Senior Director Laura E. Adkins brief the House Women, Peace, and Security Caucus on the events of Oct. 7 in the context of global conflict-related sexual violence.

Post your own message in solidarity with Israeli survivors using the hashtag #ibelieveIsraeliwomen 

I Believe Israeli Women in the News

• The I Believe Israeli Women delegation was featured in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

• Read JWI's statement on the retrieval of the remains of Shani Louk, Amit Bouskila, and Itzhak from Gaza.

• JWI's chief program officer, Deborah Rosenbloom, addressed the  antisemitic disinformation about Oct. 7 at the New York City Bar Association's Sound of the Siren: Heeding the Warning Signs of Intolerance, Racism and New Forms of Antisemitism on May 9 in New York City.

• Read Meredith Jacobs' op-ed, "The women’s movement has a double standard when sexual violence happens to Jews" in the Forward 

Read Laura E. Adkins' op-ed, "Israeli women who spoke out about sex abuse in Gaza are being mocked online. This denial hurts survivors everywhere" in the Forward

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Alexis Ewald