Financial Fitness is a new financial empowerment and education program for young Jewish women.
This program helps Jewish women young professionals and college students boost their financial confidence as they explore key financial literacy topics including: budgeting, investing, understanding credit and debt, wage transparency, salary negotiation, setting short and long term financial goals, and more – all while meeting new friends!
Financial Fitness programs are offered as both cohort-style experiences as well as individual workshops facilitated by financial experts.
Financial Fitness programs are running in San Diego, with Philadelphia and Pittsburgh sessions coming soon. For more information, email Rachel Levin, JWI’s Senior Director of Women’s Impact and Development.
Financial Fitness is a part of JWI’s Sondra D. Bender Leadership Institute.
Current Financial Fitness Sessions
Past Financial Fitness Sessions
What do past participants say?
100% of respondents reported feeling more financially confident after taking part in their cohort
100% of respondents said they would recommend this program to others seeking to improve their financial literacy
“This program helped me remove a lot of shame and guilt I have felt in the past around spending money on "non essentials." It also allowed a safe space to discuss finances, helping me to feel more comfortable having conversations about money in other areas of my life, and provided ways to make budgeting seem more accessible and simple so it is realistic for me to continue with it long-term.”
“This cohort has given me the confidence to actually think about [my finances] instead of just feeling overwhelmed and shut down”
“This helped me so much with my finances. I am finally on a budget and on such great track to work my way out of debt.”
“I’ve cut my expenses down practically in half. I realized I was spending way more than I make a month and as much as I wanted to participate in certain expenses, I just can’t. So now I am paying my debt off and it feels so amazing! And also [I learned how to] control my spending!”
“I learned how to budget like a boss, how to be more aware and track my spending, how fast things add up, and how much my expenses are. I realize I have to live within my means until I decide to make more money. Very valuable lessons and so much awareness in this program!”
“[As a result of this program}, I am now actively aware of how much I have spent already, which helps me feel better about making future spending decisions. I have also developed a better plan for how much money I would like to save each month, which has started to alleviate some stress.”
“I had a really great experience! I've been trying to develop a way of budgeting for years now but never follow through with it, and for the first time I feel confident that I will actually stick with it. The environment all the leaders created allowed for everyone to be open and honest with each other, which I think allowed us to get a lot more out of each session. I am definitely planning to signup for more in the future!”
“All of you were so wonderful and welcoming and friendly! I've already told others that there will be more of these in the future and I can't wait to take the investing one and see you all again!! Thank you all so much for your time and efforts!!”
“I really loved it, all the leaders were so phenomenal and helped tremendously, can’t thank them enough!”
Financial Fitness is a part of JWI’s Sondra D. Bender Leadership Institute.
Financial Fitness San Diego is generously supported by the Jewish Women’s Foundation of San Diego.
Financial Fitness workshops in Pittsburgh are supported by the Jewish Women's Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh.
Want to help JWI expand Financial Fitness to new cities? Email CEO Meredith Jacobs to learn more.