YWIN Champion Circles


Thank you to our advisory committee for their creative ideation, curriculum building, and insight!

Janel Abrahami, Lauren Zabel, Sasha Bloch, Maggie Herman, Carrie Seleman, and Marissa Freeman

Following three successful cohorts of JWI’s 1-on-1 mentorship program, JWI’s Young Women’s Impact Network presents Champion Circles to provide even more mentorship and networking opportunities for our members.

In its second year, Champion Circles gatherings create opportunities for career and relationship building with women and non-binary professionals within their age demographic along with mentors who more seasoned in their careers.

Champion Circles are formed by industry or job category. Mentors and mentees alike benefit from group discussions in an intimate setting, all while building lasting professional and personal connections. With select overlapping industries represented in various Networks, this program provides the potential to grow your professional network on a national scale as well.


  • Advocacy & Policy

  • Consulting

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Marketing

  • Nonprofit

  • Technology

The program runs January to June of each year, and applications for the next cohort are due January 9, 2022. The program will launch virtually in February 2022.

This program is available at no additional cost to JWI YWIN Supporters of all levels. To become a supporter click here. If you have a financial concern, please share it with Alyssa for accommodations.


  • I did CC last year... can I join again? YES! You may see familiar faces but as we know, small groups of hard-working and creative women change the world.

  • How do I connect with my group? We'll connect you all via an initial Zoom orientation (date TBD) and you'll be assigned to a Slack channel just for your circle. From there, you'll meet monthly with a mentor that JWI will provide.

  • Who's in my group? Our application asks you to indicate which industry you work in. From there, we'll match you with similarly self-identified professionals. If your industry is *not* listed but you're looking for a mentor, let us know.

  • How much is this? This program is available at no additional cost to JWI YWIN Supporters of all levels. To become a supporter click here. If you have a financial concern, please email Melanie ([email protected]) for accommodations.

  • What's the time commitment? Great question! All members will meet for a Kickoff in February. After that, you'll meet monthly for five months at times scheduled by you and your group to work with your schedules.

  • Why shouldn't I join Champion Circles? We got nothing. Join us for this peer-to-peer-to-mentor style of networking, professional development, and connection to others!

Are you over 36 years old and interested in becoming a mentor for this program? Please fill out the form below.