Our Hanukkah book exchange was so successful last year that we're back for round two! By registering, you'll be randomly assigned to send a book you love to someone in the Young Women's Impact Network, and you'll get a book in the mail from someone else. You can order the book online to be shipped directly from a new or used book site, or you can send the copy you've got on your shelf. We'd love for you to include a note or send an email explaining why you chose this book, too. When registering, please provide the address you’ll want to receive your book at.
Important dates:
Monday, November 15: Registration closes
Tuesday or Wednesday, November 16 or 17: You'll find out who you're sending a book to
By Monday, November 29 (the first day of Hanukkah): Please have the book in the mail!
JWI requests a $5 donation to participate, supporting our National Library Initiative.
JWI welcomes, embraces, affirms, and invests in women of every race, culture, gender identity, and sexual orientation.