The Next Act in Your Career
Tuesday, March 9th, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. ET on Zoom
Did you know that confidence can be grown and serendipity can be engineered? Please join us for an exclusive discussion with Wendy Sachs - modern multi-hyphenate, master of the career pivot and author of Fearless and Free: How Smart Women Pivot and Relaunch their Careers - to talk about how women can build their confidence, take risks, and embrace failure. Wendy will also discuss why we need to stop apologizing and get rid of all of those "shrinker" words that diminish us, as well as the power of female networks, and how to brand ourselves, own our stories, create serendipity, and re-enter the workforce if you've taken time out.
This event is for members of JWI’s Women's Impact Network, our community for women in their 40s, 50s, and beyond. Non-members are invited to join us for two free events before purchasing a membership.
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Wendy Sachs is a documentary film director, Emmy-award winning network news television producer (NBC, CNN and FOX), writer, author and sought-after speaker on women’s issues. She is also a former Capitol Hill press secretary, media relations executive, and the author of two critically acclaimed books about women and careers: Fearless and Free—How Smart Women Pivot and Relaunch their Careers and How She Really Does It: Secrets of Successful Stay-at Work Moms. Wendy has appeared on dozens of radio segments, TV shows and podcasts including: NBC’s TODAY show, ABC’s Good Morning America, CNN’s Headline News and others. She is a senior columnist for Forbes Women and has written for Fast Company, Time, Business Insider, The New York Times, CNN and others. Wendy has been recognized by MAKERS and was also named in 2017 on as a “40 Over 40 Woman to Watch.”
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