This webinar will explore the intersection of domestic violence, housing instability and homelessness and identify promising practices that can help survivors access and retain housing. For decades, the domestic violence movement has focused on communal living in safe, confidential shelters as a primary way to offer safety and support to survivors of abuse and their children. As our movement celebrates the gains made for survivors, we are also taking a look at the possibility for survivors to find safety and support beyond shelter. Join this webinar to learn about applying a housing first philosophy in securing safe, stable housing for survivors through advocacy, flexible financial assistance, and community engagement.
By the end of this webinar, participants will:
• Understand the connection between domestic violence and homelessness
• Identify promising practices that can stabilize housing and prevent homelessness for survivors
• Learn about survivor-driven approaches to safety planning in their homes and communities
• Understand the advantages of safe, stable housing for survivors and their children
Free for members / $25 for non-members
Linda Olsen is the Housing Project Director with the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence. She coordinated the Domestic Violence Housing First pilot project, which tested housing stability strategies for survivors of domestic violence. This project has evolved into a five-year demonstration and research project focusing on systems change and measuring long-term outcomes for survivors and their children. Linda has worked in the field of domestic violence for over 30 years, serving in the roles of shelter director and executive director at two domestic violence agencies. She facilitated the opening of two domestic violence emergency shelters (one rural, one urban), developed a transitional housing program for survivors with drug/alcohol treatment needs, and piloted emergency shelter alternative programs and a rental assistance program for DV survivors. She currently serves on the Washington State Advisory Council on Homelessness. Linda has Master’s degrees in theology (Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA) and social work (University of Washington).
Kris Billhardt, M.ED., ED.S., has worked in the domestic and sexual violence movement for over three decades. As a service provider, manager, and activist, her work has been fueled by a commitment to shape and implement approaches that push toward ever more meaningful and effective response to survivors. Kris’ accomplishments include development of a nationally recognized innovative program design, extensive training, coaching, and technical assistance, and authorship of several publications. The Home Free program, which Kris built and directed over a span of 21 years, has been recognized for programmatic innovation that helped to move the field. Named as a best practice in 2010, Home Free’s “Housing First” program pioneered provision of DV-specific rapid re-housing, mobile advocacy, and flexible financial assistance. After many years of working as a service provider and program manager, Kris brings her experience to her work as a technical assistance provider for the National Alliance for Safe Housing and as an independent consultant. She is excited to partner with others who aspire to enhance our approaches and effect broad systems change built on insights and innovations in the DSV field and other social change movements.