I Believe Israeli Women is a global movement standing in solidarity with Israeli women and fighting the denial of and disinformation about the sexual violence of October 7.


Join the movement:

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. When you join the I Believe Israeli Women movement, you’ll gain access to exclusive events, webinars, working groups and more:


How we make a difference

Community Ambassadors

IBIW Ambassadors bring events and advocacy initiatives to their local communities and campuses.

Apply to be an ambassador

Legal Working Group

Members of this working group provide expert analysis and create actionable steps to fight Oct. 7 disinformation.

Apply to join a working group

Communications Working Group

Members of this working group create campaigns to share stories of survivors and combat efforts to distort and deny the facts about what happened on Oct. 7.

Apply to join a working group


Upcoming Events


September 25, 2024

A special screening of “Screams Before Silence”

Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History

Purchase tickets here


September 16, 2024

Women Uniting Against Extremism: An Interfaith Panel Discussion


Past Events

Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War

September 6, 2024 — New York City

Watch a recording

Treating Survivors with Sensitivity: How to host thoughtful events about the sexual violence of 10/7

September 9, 2024 — Online

Watch a recording

Download the resource Handout

View a ritual guide for Oct. 7 commemorations

Watch “Screams Before Silence”

Events about October 7 can be difficult to be part of and triggering for participants. Please consider having a mental health counselor at your community wide event for people who are feeling overwhelmed.

Follow I Believe Israeli Women on social media:

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Resources for 10/7 Events

A sample service of closing rituals created by JWI’s Clergy Taskforce

Created by Rabbi Donna Kirshbaum and Rabbi Michael Hess Webber

A guide to prepare for listening to survivors of trauma recount what happened to them

Adapted by IBIW from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

We cannot allow the systematic sexual violence of October 7 to be forgotten or denied.

Good people can disagree on the pathway to peace. Good people can disagree on many aspects of the conflict. But good people must use their voices to denounce certain unacceptable acts, and one of them is the use of mass rape as a weapon of war.
— Alexi Ashe Meyers, IBIW Delegate

Jewish Women International has always stood with our sisters in Israel. Since Oct. 7, 2023, the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust, the urgency of this work has become clear.

JWI has been at the forefront of leading the call for accountability for survivors and those who were killed by Hamas and other terrorist groups on Oct. 7.